- AUTOTRANSPORT Company, Ltd., was founded in year 2006, after the transformation from „Martin Marinica“ to the company limited named AUTOTRANSPORT, but its beginnings are dated back to 1992.
- The company currently has about 60 employees, most of them have many years of rich experience in the industry, because they worked for ČSAD, Prešov, before.
- Our company offers high quality transport services thanks to the extensive experience. We are a member of the Association of Road Carriers in Slovakia – ČESMAD Slovakia.
- In 2004 the company successfully passed through the certification audit by DEKRA Certification GmbH, Stuttgart and completed the establishing of quality management system, the now known as standard ISO 9001:2008.
- Our response to the growing demands of the international market in the field of transport, such as time saving, environmental protection and so on, is the introduction of new concepts and approaches to the management of the transport process. Using the quality management system ISO 9001:2008 enables us to improve of quality of our services constantly.

New website launched
Our new website brings you new information that will be useful in our cooperation.
Relocation of headquarters
Autotransport Company, Ltd. moved into the own bulidng at Jilemnickeho street. 4, in Presov. We bought this building in 1998 and reconstruced. There you can find Economic Department, as well as, transport and technical sections, i.e., office and...